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  • Guanajuato, Mexico
    Mexico Travel

    Guanajuato: The Most Beautiful City in Mexico?

    I knew Guanajuato, a colonial city in central Mexico, was going to be filled with colorful buildings, great views, and steep cobblestone streets, but I don’t think I was prepared for how impressively beautiful…

    November 10, 2014
  • Celaya, Mexico - Comida's End
    Food Mexico Travel

    A Warm Welcome to Celaya, Mexico

    And a tequila and taco tutorial, of course. I couldn’t have planned a better welcome to Mexico than our arrival at Bertha’s house in Celaya. While, like she said, there isn’t much to do…

    November 5, 2014
  • Guanajuato, Mexico
    Mexico Travel

    My Plan for Eleven Days in Mexico!

    ¡Voy a México mañana! I leave for Mexico tomorrow for eleven days and I am super pumped! I am meeting my friend Bertha (pronounced “Bare-Tah” in español, sounds so much better than how it’s said in English)…

    October 22, 2014
  • Travel

    My Liebster Award!

    Thanks so much to Jo at Migrating Bird for nominating me for a Liebster award! After a bit of browsing the interwebs, I’ve discovered that it’s an “award” which helps smaller and beginning bloggers get some exposure and connect with each other.…

    September 5, 2014
  • Travel United States

    Good Times at Lake Lanier, Georgia

    Last weekend, Charlie and I ventured down to Georgia to hang out on Lake Lanier with some of his family. Their home is basically a resort, complete with an infinity pool, many comfortable lounge…

    August 5, 2014