My friend Christina is super crafty. And my weeknights are super boring. So when she sent me a text that asked, “You want to make tassel necklaces tonight?” I obviously said yes. After all, I could use a trendy tassel necklace to go with my outfit the next day (because I assumed all the people in Dallas would just be incredibly fashionable). And yes, this post is from the past.
We made some crafts and had some cocktails, not to be confused with making craft cocktails. Sorry, bad joke. But really, Christina did bring homemade cherry syrup with her to mix with her Weihenstephan beer. I told you she was crafty. (And yes, I did have to Google the name of that beer.)
So we boozed a little and made our tassel necklaces. Turns out the tassels are actually pretty intuitive and easy to make. Check out these DIY instructions here, because clearly I cannot take beautiful step-by-step pictures nor can I use all the correct craft-lady terminology. You know, “jump rings” and such.
Christina has a TON of supplies. Like every kind of bead you could ever want and more. Like I really should have helped her carry all of this stuff in from her car. I made my little pink tassel, then I picked out a few pieces and beads that particularly struck my fancy. It took me about eight times longer than Christina to finish my necklace because I wanted to include everything. I was overwhelmed by all the cool stuff and couldn’t stop saying, “But I want it all!” and “I can’t decide!” If it were up to me, this could have become a Hoarders: Crafting Edition where I ended up with a necklace full of random stuff loading down my neck, no longer cute, but me content having all the things!
Tip from Christina: Put all your beads on a plate, get them in the order you want, make sure you like it, and make sure you have enough room. It’s a good idea.
Note to self: All those small beads are going to take forever to string with those tiny holes. Especially after all the wine.
I’m pretty happy with my finished product. It incorporates most of the things I wanted. I originally hoped for two tassels but that ended up being too overzealous. Now I just have an extra burgundy tassel hanging out on my coffee table indefinitely. I also realllly wanted that white and blue painted ceramic bead to fit in somewhere, but Christina suggested otherwise. Dammit.

I’m pretty happy with my finished product. Please excuse the closed-lipped smile and wind-blown hair, I promise I’m not trying to be a model. I’m not particularly fashionable.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of Christina’s necklace against the her Wu-Tang Wednesday T-shirt. It would’ve been pretty spectacular.
What’s the point of this post? To show you what I did on a random weeknight? Eh, maybe. Half the time, I think that’s what lifestyle blogs do. Or maybe this post is just to say hey, do something different, fun, casual, in the middle of the week, to break up the monotony. Socialize. Have a drink. Watch the ESPY’s and laugh at how much Charlie loves Drake. It’s the little things, ya know? And now I have a cool necklace too.